Friday, March 19, 2010

The Death of Boost Creep (Part 1)

After I installed the 3-inch turbo-back exhaust (TBE) system to my car, something went wrong with the car's performance.

Every time I floor the throttle, I felt disappointed, angry, feel like biting someone in the neck... it felt like the car wanted to go faster but something holding it back... something nasty... something that needs to be eliminated as soon as possible before it is making the condition worse. Maybe it is the work of the Green Goblin, maybe due to Godzilla or maybe it is Barney??? I love you... you love me... we are a family... la la la...

Luckily, Mr. Google is here to help, just a quick search and I found the real enemy, it is Mr. Boost Creep. Yes, this is the common enemy for forced induction cars with upgraded exhaust system. It seems that 3-inch TBE will allow exhaust gases to exit easily thus enabling the snail (a.k.a. turbo) to work more efficient. Internal wastegate that come with the turbo can't release enough exhaust gases to avoid turbo from spinning to thousand pieces. This is boost creep, very bad for the turbo and the engine. Lots of turbo engine died due to this.

It seems that, when I put the pedal to the metal, the boost went straight up to the targeted boost as set up in the HKS EVC 6, but it creeps up, it does not stick to the boost level that it should be. Although I already set the EVC to drop boost back to stock level (0.7 bar), it doesn't seems to work although the boost creep rate seems to slow down. This was why I felt the car is slowing down and hesitate to accelerate. Luckily though, my engine still in good shape after over-boosted several times. As I mentioned in my earlier post, with stock internal, Evo II engine can only withstand up to 1.2 bar of boost (assuming proper fueling and tuning).

I don't want my engine to spin to death, that is why, I need to fight it properly. Just like Batman VS Joker, Spiderman VS Green Goblin and Jeremy Clarkson VS US cars.

Here comes the Hero, Mr. Tial from Shiawassee, Michigan. Equipped with a 38-mm mouth, 1-bar pressurized air-gun and dressed in red, it is the perfect-but-loud fighter.

Mr. Tial

I fetched Mr. Tial at Kakimotor, Sunway. Straight away I hired him after introduced by Mr. William, cost me nearly RM800. Professional boost creep mercenary.

Mr. Tial and his equipment

Mr. Tial with its killing aura

Enough with the introduction of Mr. Tial. Now, I will bring Mr. Tial to meet Doc Ali and Doc Mat Diah at Prodrag, Sunway. They will help to infuse Mr. Tial with my car. He will be taking over the role of handling Mr. Boost Creep from Mr. Internal Wastegate.

To be continued, just make sure your pop corn is full.

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